Satmya- Oksatmya Definations:
सात्म्यं नामं तद यद आत्मनी उपशेते। - च. वि. १/२० (रसविमानाध्याय)
सात्म्यश्चेत्यत्रसात्म्यशब्देन ओकसात्म्यमुच्यते। - चक्रपाणि
‘Satmya (Homologation) stands for such factors as are wholesome to the
individual even when continuously used. ‘Satmya’ is one that does not affect the
health when body becomes adapted to it.
Satmya – Oksatmya difference:
Satmya is the one which is conductive to one self. That which becomes a part of
oneself, helpful & conductive to one self is Satmya. Satmya & Asatmya are
nothing but pathya & apathya. Satmya is that which can be consumed for a long
Okasatmya is nothing but conduciveness developed due to continuous intake of
particular substance, even though it is not good for the body. As the chronic
poison suddenly, in the same way constant intake of nonconductive substance
over a long period does not produce ill- effects suddenly.
Satmya- Oksatmya similarity:
ओकादि अभ्यासात्सात्म्य । औचित्यात् ओकसात्म्यं तदुच्यते ।। - (च.सू. ७/४९)
अपथ्यमपि हि निरन्तराभ्यासद्विषमिवाशी विषस्य नोपघातकं भवतीति भावः ।। - (च.पा.सू.७/४९)
Gangadhara reads Satmya as that which suits the person e.g. the use that which
gives happiness. According to Hemadri, Satmya is that which is supportive,
approving & agreeable to the body. ‘Satmya’ here is ‘okasatmya’ (acquired
homologation) which is an accomplishment can be presented in two forms with
help of its synonyms- a scientific modus operandi & a definitive outcome. The
denotations oka, abhayasa & aucitya means a procedure which is always
associated with a definite & pleasant result indicated by the connotations like
upashaya, sukha, abadhakara, sahayyabhuta & anukula. In other words Satmya
are those substances which are conductive to the body.
‘Okasatmya’ coveys own identity. The intake of food & practice of activities
wholesome to the body are superlative amongst the systems worth adopting. The
food stuffs which are otherwise unwholesome can become positive for the body
by their regular & uninterrupted use.
Roga Satmya- Milk in tumors, Ghee in udavarta, Honey in obstinate urinary disorders.
Divasvapna Satmya- Day sleep in Grahani, night awakening.
Desha Satmya-
Curds, milk and karira in Rajasthan
Alkali in Eastern India
Fish in Sindh
Oil and sourness to Pathans
Rhizomes and roots to Malaya
Thin gruel, mantha and wheat to Konkana, North India and Avanti places.
The Post by Dr. Sunil Hariram Pal
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